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Date: Fri 02/14/20 4:52PM
From: Igor Ignatovich
Email: ivigor007@yandex.ru
Message: Just read your message on our Russian Veterans site. Salute and respect from Russian warriors to SA and SWA veterans!
Date: Fri 11/29/19 2:26PM
From: Mervyn Niemand
Email: mervyn.niemand@isuzu.co.za
Message: 1978-79. services school Voortrekkerhoogte.
JL training at Elandfontein and Palaborwa.
Drill instructor.
Date: Mon 09/30/19 1:48PM
From: Erasmus.Visser (Rassie)
Email: rss_rsms30@yahoo.com
Message: Ek is opsoek na die manne wat saam met my diensplig gedoen het in Walvisbaai 55 Artilirie- 43 BTY - vanaf 1997 - 1981 en daarna saam was was in 61 MEG op die grens en ook deel vas van operasie Protea , Askari en Daisy
Sal bly wees om van hulle te hoor
Date: Sat 07/20/19 8:05PM
From: Gerhard O'Neill
Email: goneill477@gmail.com
Message: Op soek na 1978 tot 1980 storm pioniers van 5SAI Robbie Hood Sticks Botha en die res
Date: Tue 07/2/19 3:50PM
From: Koos
Email: breytenkoos@gmail.com
Message: Waar kan ek weer my ou Weermag nommer opspoor. Ek het my opleiding gedoen in 4SAI 1981/1982. Baie dankie
Date: Tue 07/2/19 1:29PM
From: Stephen
Email: Na@na.org
Message: Bourke's Luck Dog Unit - 1989-1990
Date: Sat 06/29/19 9:04AM
From: Michael Marcus
Email: michael.marcus12@gmail.com
Message: January 74. Think A Co. Drilling on the highway and running off when a car came. We were the first intake and there wasn't a parade ground to drill on. Morning run to BB Ranch. Great memories but no shortage of afkak. From there to 3Sai. Then to Bwabata camp to lay ambush after lieutenant Zeelie got killed. Didn't shoot anyone or get shot and I'm thankful for that.
I hope all the blokes that served at the time got put OK.
Thanks for the website. From Melbourne Australia.
Date: Thu 06/6/19 12:06PM
From: Eddie Petersen
Email: eddiepetersen2@gmail.com
Message: Ek like die site. In 1990 by infantry skool ingeklaar en toe 7SAI toe. Sal daarvan hou om met ou manne weer te praar. Vic Bardone, Bles Kruger.
Date: Sun 03/31/19 3:58PM
From: Alan Exton
Email: exton@telkomsa.net
Message: I was in the TSC allocated to 54 Medium Workshops and served 22 years in the SADF
Date: Tue 03/12/19 3:09PM
From: Roger Holman
Email: rogerh@cmco.co.za
Message: Hey Trompie
Good to see you on this site. Jup. Rooibaard was a law until himself. Great soldier and mentor.
Date: Thu 02/21/19 3:04PM
From: Michael Pym
Email: coastline@polka.co.za
Message: Hi all! Still remember my force no: 74595596 BG How's that!!
Basics at 11 Commando Kimberley - 1978
Drafted into Cape Flats Commando...Operational area duties 1981 - M'Pacha Sector 70 Caprivi. Was an LMG 1 for the Reaction Force there. Flew quite a few sorties in Puma's..
Back in Caprivi in 1983, this time Wenela Base in Katima. Was a stipper/plotter for mortar platoon. Lotsa memories (i smuggled photos back into the states...but they were stolen in a burglary!
Date: Tue 01/8/19 12:24AM
From: Dawid Gerber
Email: david@famousdave.co.za
Message: Iname: January 1993
1 Onderhouds eenheid, Diskobolos
Het gekyk na n paar fotos op sosiale media, jissie manne, ons was darem paraat. Kan nie dieselfde sĂȘ vandag nie.
Date: Fri 12/14/18 8:59AM
From: Norman Woods
Email: retailgenius@gmail.com
Message: Looking for Staff Sargeant Lord Kruger who was in Delta Company, Anti Tank, Infantry School. Please mail me if you have a contact or know of his whereabouts. Thanks.
Date: Tue 09/25/18 8:37PM
From: Marius Burger
Email: mariusburger091@gmail.com
Message: Marius Burger 1sai 1981,,4sai 1982 border duty
Date: Fri 09/7/18 12:13AM
From: Cpl mp sehanka
Email: maokengsehanka865@gmail.com
Message: I hope you will help me find my IRP5 for tax year 2008
Date: Tue 07/31/18 12:15AM
From: Pikkie Westraadt
Email: pikkie.wedraad@tigerbrands.com
Message: Was in 8 SAI 84 -85 A company het grensdiens gedoen sector 10 wil graag van pileton 5 se manne hoor was in seksie 1
Date: Fri 07/13/18 5:03PM
From: Sean James
Email: seanjames.sa@gmail.com
Message: National service Air Force. 16 SQD Port Elisabeth & 60 SQD, Waterkloof.
Date: Sun 04/8/18 1:28AM
From: L/Cpl Michael Howard
Email: noupoortrecovery@gmail.com
Message: Very interesting site. July 1982-June 1984 6SAI Grahamstown,Golf Company.Did Border duty from Feb83-June84 Ogongo 52Bn Sector 10 Owaboland,Ondangwa 53SAI, Eenhana 54,Rundu AFB Sector 20 Okavango, Nepara 55bn Owamboland. Also Oshivello a couple of times.Hard but fun.Thanks.God bless.
Date: Wed 04/4/18 1:06PM
From: Renier
Email: rjckruger74@gmail.com
Message: Goeie dag
Ek wil probeer uitvind wie was in 1 Veld genie in 1993.